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2025-2029 RASCL Strategic Planning | Member Resources


The Resilient and Sustainable Communities League (RASCL) is currently seeking input on the development of our next 5-year strategic plan. This plan will help us evolve with the needs of Delaware’s communities, ensure more equitable representation, and better prioritize our efforts


Additional Resources

2021-2025 RASCL Strategic Plan


In late 2019, the RASCL membership began exploring the options for the collaborative’s first strategic plan. Feedback was collected from members and stakeholders through surveys, listening sessions, and informational interviews on multiple occasions between 2019 and 2020. This feedback detailed core issues related to resilience and sustainability facing Delawareans, as well as key priorities and strategies for addressing those issues.


Ultimately, this information was synthesized into a plan that not only refined the scope and mission of the collaborative, but also outlined new structures and processes that will help RASCL better achieve its mission. The strategic plan is in place until 2025.


Delaware Residents' Opinions on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise


This document was prepared by DNREC Coastal Programs, Delaware Sea Grant, and DNREC Division of Energy and Climate | 2014


Delaware's Climate Change Programming: Evaluating Its Effectiveness and Impact on Local Resilie


Prepared by Philip Barnes, Policy Scientist Kohei Akiba, Public Administration Fellow

Institute for Public Administration

Biden School of Public Policy & Administration

University of Delaware


In coordination with Delaware Coastal Programs Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

​August 2020


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